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George W. T. Carter


Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-1882 Republican AD-15 0 Win
11-04-1884 Republican AD-57 0 Win

Candidate Biography:

George Washington Tully Carter
Born: October 12, 1835 in Poughkeepsie, New York
Married: Ellen Tunbridge (m. 1863)
Children: Mary J., Alexander, and Charles G.
Died: June 28, 1900 in San Francisco, CA

  • On the morning of March 9, 1900, Charles Carter was shot and killed by his brother Alexander who then immediately committed suicide. The San Francisco Call blamed Alexander's insanity on "illness and excessive cigarette smoking..." Interviewed by a reporter after Charles died but while Alexander was still dying, Carter said "I am in such an aweful condition I can hardly think. It seems to me that I can do nothing but wring my hands. My poor boys loved eachother. They loved each other dearly, and I don't see how Alec could have done it... For months he has been subject to fits of melancholy, and has often declared his intention to commit suicide, though I never believed he really thought of doing so. I tried to cheer him up and kept telling him that he would get over his troubles, but he continued to brood over his condition until this aweful thing has happened." [Colusa Daily Sun, see below]. GWT died a little over three months later.
  • GWT Carter built the San Gregorio House

Source: "The Legislature." Sacramento Daily Record-Union, 1 January 1883, Page 12.
Source: "Killed His Brother," Colusa Daily Sun, Volume XX, Number 57, 10 March 1900