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Cornelius Cole


Picture of Cornelius Cole
Library of Congress
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-1856 Republican Clerk of the Supreme Court 20536 Loss
09-02-1863 Union CD-AL 64985 Win
12-16-1865 Republican Senate3 0 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: September 17, 1822 in Lodi, New York
Married: Olive Colegrove (in 1853)
Died: November 3, 1924 in Hollywood, CA

1856: Cofounder of the California Republican Party (one of 7)
1856-1860: Member, Republican National Committee
1859-1861: District Attorney, Sacramento County
1860-1862: City Attorney, City of Sacramento

  • LEGISLATION: Author of federal legislation (1867) "to provide a territorial government for the territory of Alaska".
  • "When he died in 1924 at age 102 he was the oldest former U.S. Senator in American history, and has yet to be surpassed." Strom Thurmond, who was the oldest person to serve in the Senate (at 100 years old), died at 100 years, 203 days.
  • Cole was married to Olive for 65 years.
  • Cole's lifetime overlapped that of every US President between (but not including) George Washington and Bill Clinton.
  • PLACENAME: Coleville (in Mono County) is named for Senator Cole.
Source: California's Stately Hall of Fame by Rockwell D. Hunt (1950)
Source: "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present" (U.S. Library of Congress) []