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Mary Hayashi


Picture of Mary Hayashi
CA Assembly
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-2006 Democratic AD-18 69411 Win
11-04-2008 Democratic AD-18 115780 Win
11-02-2010 Democratic AD-18 85237 Win

Candidate Biography:

Mary Chung Hayashi
Born: August 13, 1967 in South Korea
Married: Dennis Hayashi*

2006: Member, California Board of Registered Nursing
Previous: California Director, American Public Health Association
Previous: Chair, Planned Parenthood Political Action Fund
2012: Special Election Candidate for Alameda County Board of Supervisors (Lost; 23.87%)
2014: Primary Candidate for SD-10 (Lost; 20.8%)
2016-Present: Project Director, Women’s Sports Safety Initiative

  • Published: Hayashi is the author of "Far from Home: Shattering the Myth of the Model Minority" (2003) and "Women in Politics" (2023)
  • Dennis Hayashi was previously Director of the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (1999-2003), a primary candidate for AD-20 in 2004 (lost), a member of the Alameda and Contra Costa Transit Board of Directors from 2005-2008, and has served as a Judge of the Alameda County Superior Court (2009-Present). In 2009, Hayashi was a member of the National Commission on ICE Misconduct and Violations of the Fourth Amendment Rights [created by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) to investigate the immigration raids on six food processing plants run by the Swift Company.] 
  • Legal Troubles: In October 2011, Hayashi was arrested for shoplifting at a Nieman Marcus store in San Francisco. Originally facing a felony for the $2500 theft, the charges were downgraded to a misdemeanor Hayashi as part of a plea deal. Hayashi’s attorney cited a “benign brain tumor that affected her judgment” as the cause of the incident. Hayashi was sentenced to pay $180 in fines and court costs and three years of probation.
  • CLOSE CONTEST: Hayashi narrowly won a spot in the 2006 General election when she defeated Bill McCammon by 1,002 votes (2.4%).

Source: California Legislature Handbook (2007-08)