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George P. Radanovich


Picture of George P. Radanovich
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-08-1994 Republican CD-19 104435 Win
11-05-1996 Republican CD-19 137402 Win
11-03-1998 Republican CD-19 131105 Win
11-07-2000 Republican CD-19 144327 Win
11-05-2002 Republican CD-19 106209 Win
11-02-2004 Republican CD-19 155354 Win
11-07-2006 Republican CD-19 110246 Win
11-04-2008 Republican CD-19 179245 Win
11-05-2024 Republican AD-08 97770 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Born: June 20, 1955 in Mariposa, CA
Married: Ethelinde Rutherford Weaver (d. 2010)
Child: George King Radanovich
University: CalPoly San Luis Obispo (BS, Agricultural Business Management; 1978)

1982-1986: Member, Mariposa County Planning Commission
1988-1992: Mariposa County Board of Supervisors
1992: Primary Candidate for CD-19 (Lost; 30.3%)
2012: Proponent, "Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere Act" [Initiative 1576] (Failed to Qualify)*
2014: Early Primary Candidate for Governor (Did Not File)
2022: Primary Candidate for SD-04 (Lost; 17.1%)*

  • The "Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere Act" would have prevented issuance of future High-Speed Rail Bonds.
  • Radanovich was one of six Republicans who split the vote in the 2022 Primary, resulting in two Democrats appearing in the "top two" on the General Election ballot. By June 14th, Radanovich was trailing the second-place candidate by 2,765 votes (1.4%). By the end of June, he still trailed by 1.3%.


Source: "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present" (U.S. Library of Congress) []