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John T. Doolittle


Picture of John T. Doolittle
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-1980 Republican SD-03 125215 Win
11-02-1982 Republican SD-06 113444 Loss
11-06-1984 Republican SD-01 121353 Win
11-08-1988 Republican SD-01 164115 Win
11-06-1990 Republican CD-14 128039 Win
11-03-1992 Republican CD-04 141155 Win
11-08-1994 Republican CD-04 144936 Win
11-05-1996 Republican CD-04 164048 Win
11-03-1998 Republican CD-04 155306 Win
11-07-2000 Republican CD-04 197503 Win
11-05-2002 Republican CD-04 147997 Win
11-02-2004 Republican CD-04 221926 Win
11-07-2006 Republican CD-04 135818 Win

Candidate Biography:

John Taylor Doolittle
Born: October 30, 1950 in Glendale, CA
Married: Julie Harlow
Children: Two

1979-1980: Legislative Assistant, Senator H. L. Richardson
1987-1990: Minority Caucus Chair, California State Senate
1991: Resigned from the State Senate on January 2.

  • LEGISLATION: Author (with RobertiMaddy, and Keene) of SB 1738 (Chapt. 84, Statutes of 1990) which established what is today known as the “Milton Marks Postgovernment Employment Restrictions Act of 1990” which prohibits former legislators from being "paid to communicate with their former colleagues in the Legislature in an attempt to influence certain actions or proceedings."
  • In 1984, Doolittle was the target of an attempted recall led by Ranold Kennedy. The recall failed to qualify for the ballot.
  • In 1985, Doolittle was the target of an attempted recall led by Ranold Kennedy. The recall failed to qualify for the ballot.

Source: California Assembly Handbook (1981)