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George Brown


Picture of George Brown
Congressional Pictorial Directory, 106th.
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-1958 Democratic AD-45 27268 Win
11-08-1960 Democratic AD-45 32391 Win
11-06-1962 Democratic CD-29 73740 Win
11-03-1964 Democratic CD-29 90208 Win
11-08-1966 Democratic CD-29 69115 Win
11-05-1968 Democratic CD-29 76091 Win
11-07-1972 Democratic CD-38 77922 Win
11-05-1974 Democratic CD-36 69766 Win
11-02-1976 Democratic CD-36 90830 Win
11-07-1978 Democratic CD-36 80448 Win
11-04-1980 Democratic CD-36 88634 Win
11-02-1982 Democratic CD-36 76546 Win
11-06-1984 Democratic CD-36 104438 Win
11-04-1986 Democratic CD-36 78118 Win
11-08-1988 Democratic CD-36 103493 Win
11-06-1990 Democratic CD-36 72409 Win
11-03-1992 Democratic CD-42 79780 Win
11-08-1994 Democratic CD-42 58888 Win
11-05-1996 Democratic CD-42 52166 Win
11-03-1998 Democratic CD-42 62207 Win

Candidate Biography:

George Edward Brown Jr.
Born: March 6, 1920 in Holtville, CA
Married: Marta Macias Brown
Children: David and Dale Brown; Samuel, Armando and Miguel McQueen and Howard Cincotta
Military Service: ARMY (WWII)
Died: July 15, 1999 in Bethesda, Maryland

1954-1958: Member, Monterey Park City Council
1970: Primary Candidate for US Senate (Lost)

  • LEGISLATION: Author of the George Brown Act (1961), which was "one of the nation's first comprehensive public employee labor relations laws... requiring the public employer to meet and confer with representatives of employee organizations upon request..." (Source: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector)
  • LEGISLATION: Coauthor of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (1968), which allows all public employees (including municipal employees) to unionize in California.
  • PLACENAME: Highway 210 in San Bernardino was officially dedicated as the George E. Brown Memorial Freeway in 2007. His widow, Marta Macias Brown, was the first person to drive the freeway. 
  • PLACENAME: In 2000, the U.S. Salinity Laboratory in Riverside was renamed the "George E. Brown, Jr., Salinity Laboratory"
  • Be Fruitful and Multiply: Brown had six children.

Source: California Blue Book (1961)
Source: "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-Present" (U.S. Library of Congress) []
Source: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector: The Experience of Eight States (2001) by Joyce M. Najita, James L. Stern