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Anselmo A. Chavez


Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-2000 Democratic SD-15 112942 Loss
11-04-2008 Democratic SD-01 162044 Loss
11-02-2010 Write-in Governor 2 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Anselmo Arturo Chavez
Born: April 21, 1932 in Quemado, New Mexico
Military Service: USMC, USAF
Children: Mark, Jacqueline, Jack, Arthur, Vorn, Margaret, Marie
Died: January 17, 2013

1984: Primary Candidate for US Senator from Arizona (Lost; 16.6%)
1988: Primary Candidate for CD-10 (Lost; 17%)
2002: Primary Candidate for Governor (Lost; 8.2%)
2006: Primary [Write-in] Candidate for Governor of New Mexico (Lost; 0.4%)*

  • 2002: "Before the last gubernatorial election, a losing Democratic primary candidate by the name of Anselmo A. Chavez filed a lawsuit claiming that Gray Davis was not the lawful primary victor because his actual birth name is Joseph Graham Davis Jr." - Source: Albion Monitor
  • 2006: "Meet Anselmo Chavez. He wants to be your next governor, and claims he's already won the primary election over Richardson, even though he never campaigned for office. Chavez' claim may sound outlandish, but he says Richardson registered to vote under his nickname 'Bill' instead of his legal name 'William.' Chavez has filed a notice of election contest with the district courthouse claiming he, with his alleged 'one vote', should be the nominee for the democratic party." - Source:
  • 2008: "Both candidates for State Senate District 1 claimed victory Tuesday night. While incumbent Sen. Dave Cox, R-Fair Oaks, held a comfortable 62.1 percent to 37.9 percent lead districtwide, Democratic challenger Anselmo A. Chavez claimed Cox should be disqualified. Chavez had already filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Debra Bowen asserting Cox's use of the name "Dave" rather than "David" on election papers disqualified him in the race. The suit was dismissed, however, Chavez plans to pursue the issue further. "I've won the election. Very simplistically, this person signed off with a nickname," Chavez said. "That is illegal. I've gone through this before when I ran against Gray Davis. It's simple this time ... a one-two step. Next, I will sue (Cox) directly. I look forward to it." Cox said he is not concerned with the one-page legal document Chavez plans to file by Friday. "For the last 30 years, I've been known as Dave," Cox said. "I guess his modus operandi is to file another suit." - Source: The Union Democrat
