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Cathie M. Wright


Picture of Cathie M. Wright
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-1980 Republican AD-37 66937 Win
11-02-1982 Republican AD-37 55849 Win
11-06-1984 Republican AD-37 105919 Win
11-04-1986 Republican AD-37 80477 Win
11-08-1988 Republican AD-37 110111 Win
11-06-1990 Republican AD-37 62881 Win
11-03-1992 Republican SD-19 148116 Win
11-08-1994 Republican Lieutenant Governor 3412777 Loss
11-05-1996 Republican SD-19 160130 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: May 18, 1929 in Old Forge, Pennsylvania
Married: Victor (died)
Children: Victoria Catherine
Died: April 14, 2012 in Simi Valley, CA

1978-1980: Member, Simi Valley City Council
1979: Mayor, City of Simi Valley
2008: Member, Moderate Republicans for Hannah-Beth Jackson

  • Adjourn in Memory: While adjourning the Senate in her memory, Senator Tony Strickland noted that "The best legislators are not the ones who give the best speeches but the ones who listen in the community and are active in the community... California was better because Senator Cathie Wright was here."
  • Wright's daughter Victoria was a Republican primary candidate for CD-25 in 2012 (Lost; 6.7%)
  • In May 1989, Ventura County District Attorney Michael D. Bradbury released a 97-page report detailing Senator Cathy "Wright's reported efforts to use her clout to keep her daughter Victoria from losing her license and going to jail for 28 traffic violations since 1981."

Source: California Legislature Handbook (1989), (1994)
Source: California Blue Book (2000)
Source: Adjourn in Memory by Senator Strickland during the Senate Floor Session on April 16, 2012
Source: "Brown Acted Improperly in Wright Case, D.A. Finds" by Alan C. Miller, Los Angeles Times (5/11/1989)