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Steve Clute


Picture of Steve Clute
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-02-1982 Democratic AD-68 44945 Win
11-06-1984 Democratic AD-68 59504 Win
11-04-1986 Democratic AD-68 43946 Win
11-08-1988 Democratic AD-68 67300 Win
11-06-1990 Democratic AD-68 51203 Win
11-08-1994 Democratic CD-44 65370 Loss
11-05-1996 Democratic AD-80 44480 Loss
11-07-2006 Democratic AD-80 39946 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Born: December 8, 1948 in Chicago, Illinois
Married: Pamela (d. 2016)
Military Service: USN

1992: Primary Candidate for AD-80 (Lost; 30.6%)
1997-2001: Consultant, Riverside County Office of Education
2004-Present: Member, Resident Owned Parks Board of Directors
2006: Member, Electricity Oversight Board
2012: Primary Candidate for SD-31 (Lost; 20.1%)

  • In 1988, Clute was the target of an attempted recall by Harold Payne. The recall failed to qualify for the ballot.
  • An incumbent who lost to a member of their own party (in 1992).
  • In 1989, Clute was the target of five attempted recalls (the first led by Harold Paul Payne, Dennis E. Bransford, Brenton D. Glisson, Stephen T. Goodrich, and Harold Lee Dame, the second by Lee A. Rutledge, David W. Duncan, Clarence C. Martin, Robert Martin, and John Reinken, the third by Harold P. Payne, John H. BrayRalph P. Mueller, Cecil L. Cook, and James R. Sandidge, the fourth by Lee A. Rutledge, Clarence C. Martin, Darrel W. Martin, Velma Berg, and Harold A. Berg, and the fifth by Lee A. Rutledge, Clarence C. Martin, Raynelle O. Martin, George Kallman, and Leonard V. Martin. The recalls failed to qualify for the ballot. This was the most recall attempts against an officeholder in a single year.
  • CLOSE CONTEST: Clute narrowly won a spot in the 2006 General election when he defeated Ron Oden by 88 votes (0.4%).
  • In August 21, 2016, Pamela Clute died of a gunshot wound at the home she shared with Steve Clute. In December 2017, Clute pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of "aiding, advising or encouraging another person to commit suicide" after he allegedly provided his wife (who was suffering from a painful chronic back condition) with a revolver. In October 2018, Clute pleaded guilty to a charge of "aiding and abetting the negligent discharge of a firearm" (a felony) and was sentenced to three years of probation and 500 hours of community service.

Source: California Legislature Handbook (1983)