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Ross Johnson


Picture of Ross Johnson
CA Blue Book (2000)
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-07-1978 Republican AD-69 45946 Win
11-04-1980 Republican AD-69 69244 Win
11-02-1982 Republican AD-64 77638 Win
11-06-1984 Republican AD-64 86776 Win
11-04-1986 Republican AD-64 66778 Win
11-08-1988 Republican AD-64 85085 Win
11-06-1990 Republican AD-64 56646 Win
11-03-1992 Republican AD-72 86622 Win
11-08-1994 Republican AD-72 78577 Win
05-09-1995 Republican SD-35 33110 Win
11-05-1996 Republican SD-35 183739 Win
11-07-2000 Republican SD-35 189523 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: September 28, 1939 in North Dakota
Married: Diane Morris (m. 1968)
Children: Susan and Molly
Military Service: USN
Died: August 16, 2017 in Sacramento, CA

Previous: President, Orange County Young Republicans
Previous: Legislative Aide, Assemblyman Jerry Lewis (five years)
Previous: Legislative Aide, State Senator James Whetmore 
Previous: Chairman, Orange County Citizens for Law and Order
1988-1991: Minority Leader, California State Assembly
1988: Candidate for Assembly Speaker (Lost; 3 to 40)
1990: Candidate for Assembly Speaker (Lost; 32 to 48)
1995: Resigned from the State Assembly on May 11.
1997-1998: Minority Caucus Chair, California State Senate
1998-2000: Minority Leader, California State Senate
2007-2010: Chair, California Fair Political Practices Commission

  • NOTE: As Chairman of the FPPC, Johnson led the effort to require officeholders to report in detail the purpose of each expenditure that they make, not just who the contribution was received from.
  • In 1995, Johnson was the target of two attempted recalls led by Jacob Spaargaren and 46 others. The recalls failed to qualify for the ballot.

Source: California Assembly Handbook (1981), (1996)