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Ernie Konnyu


Picture of Ernie Konnyu
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-02-1976 Republican CD-13 63130 Loss
11-04-1980 Republican AD-22 64753 Win
11-02-1982 Republican AD-22 67145 Win
11-06-1984 Republican AD-22 87583 Win
11-04-1986 Republican CD-12 111252 Win
11-02-2004 Republican AD-24 55956 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Ernest Leslie Konnyu
Born: May 17, 1937 in Tamasi, Hungary
Married: Lillian Muenks Konnyu
Children: Carol, Renata, Lisa and Vickie
Military Service: USAF

Previous: President, Saratoga-West Valley Republican Assembly
1988: Primary Candidate for CD-12 (Lost; 41.9%)*
1994: Candidate for Santa Clara County Assessor (Lost)
2009: Organizer of an attempted recall against State Senator Abel Maldonado

  • In 1987, two former aides complained of sexual harassment. Following a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News, Tom Campbell beat Konnyu in the primary and went on to win the seat in November.
  • NOTE: An incumbent who lost their party primary (in 1988).