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Gail Pellerin


Picture of Gail Pellerin
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-08-2022 Democratic AD-28 121119 Win
11-05-2024 Democratic AD-28 151419 Win

Candidate Biography:

Married: Tom (d. 2018)
Children: Jacob and Emily
University: CalPoly San Luis Obispo (BS; Journalism, 1984)

1985-1992: Staff, Assembly Speaker's Office of Majority Services
1993-2004: Elections Manager, Santa Cruz County Clerk's Office
2004-2020: County Clerk, Santa Cruz County
2010-2012: President, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials 

  • ELECTIONS LAW: In 2023 (her first year in the State Assembly), Pellerin authored seven bills related to elections and voting. Six of these bills (AB292, AB398, AB545, AB626, AB773, and AB969) were chaptered into law.
  • LEGISLATION: Author of AB 2839 (Chapt. 262, Stats of 2024) prohibits any person or other entity from knowingly distributing an advertisement or other election communication that contains certain materially deceptive content with malice within 120 (or 60) days of an election in California. It also authorizes a recipient of content distributed in violation of this section (or other party) to file a civil action to enjoin the distribution of the media and to seek damages against the distributor. It is frequently referenced in conjunction with AB 2655 (2024; Berman).
  • VINCE'S LAW: Author of AB 1784 (Chapt 355, Stats of 2024) which allows primary election candidates to withdraw previously filed nomination documents [for non-statewide offices] until the 88th day before the primary election (unless the "incumbent is not running" rule extends it until the 83rd day before the primary election).