Richard S. Gordon
Date | Party | Office | Votes | Result |
11-02-2010 | Democratic | AD-21 | 89927 | Win |
11-06-2012 | Democratic | AD-24 | 118120 | Win |
11-04-2014 | Democratic | AD-24 | 77986 | Win |
Candidate Biography:
Richard Sherman Gordon
Born: July 3, 1948 in San Mateo, CA
Married: Dennis McShane
University: University of Southern California (BA; Sociology, 1970)
1993-1998: Member, San Mateo County Board of Education
1998-2010: Member, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
2017: Early Candidate for SBOE-02 in 2018 (Withdrew)
2017-2020s?: President/CEO, CA Forestry Association
- On May 4, 2017, Gordon announced that he was withdrawing from the 2018 campaign for Board of Equalization, saying “I have come to the conclusion that fundamentally you can’t solve the problems that are surfacing at the Board of Equalization as long as the board is elected... The political process candidly interferes with the ability of the board to play its role as a quasi-judicial hearing body.”
Source: California Legislature Handbook (2011-12)
Source: "Former assemblyman drops campaign for state's scandal-plagued tax board, deciding it should not be an elected panel" by Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times (5/4/2017)