John C. James
Date | Party | Office | Votes | Result |
10-08-1853 | Democratic | AD-15 | 0 | Win |
Website: | |
Candidate Biography:
Born: March 19, 1827 in Marion, Ohio
Died: January 24, 1874 in Carson City, Nevada
1860-1861: Member, Utah Territorial Legislative Assembly [State Legislature]
1866-1867: Assemblymember, Nevada State Legislature
1866: Assembly Speaker pro Tem, Nevada State Legislature
Source: History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 by Winfield J. Davis (1893)
Source: Selected Officers of the Nevada Legislature by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau (2010)
Source: History of Nevada 1881, With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches Of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers