Henry Rice
Date | Party | Office | Votes | Result |
09-07-1875 | Democratic | AD-06 | 0 | Win |
Website: | www.findagrave.com/memorial/73846102/henry-rice |
Candidate Biography:
Born: May 2, 1810 in South Carolina
Married: Lucy Minerva Imus
Children: Charlotte, Jane, Walter H., Minerva, Nancy, and Franklin
Died: September 29, 1889 in Blackburn Gulch [Santa Cruz County], CA
1850s: Rice was the second Judge to serve Santa Cruz County
- "Among the Assemblymen stands Judge Henry Rice, of Santa Cruz. He is an old 49er, and is distinguished for his participancy in the political conflicts of this State. He may be truthfully styled the Goliath of Democracy, not only in spirit, but physically. We venture the assertion that he can nearer tearing away the iron pillars which support the capital, and bearing them away on his shoulders, than any ten men of either house." (Mariposa Gazette)
Source: History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 by Winfield J. Davis (1893)
Source: Directory of the California Legislature. Twenty-First Session, 1875-6 by William Halley (1876)
Source: "DEATH OF JUDGE HENRY RICE" Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 62, Number 34, 30 September 1889
Source: "California Legislature" Mariposa Gazette, Volume 21, Number 24, 4 December 1875