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Daniel J. Creighton


Picture of Daniel J. Creighton
Courtesy CA State Library
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-04-1884 Democratic SD-11 0 Win

Candidate Biography:

Daniel Joseph "Dick" Creighton
Born: June 1861 in San Francisco,CA
Died: August 26, 1935 in San Francisco, CA

  • Was a State Senator in 1886 at age 27.
  • LEGAL TROUBLES: On October 2, 1887, Creighton was convicted of embracery (bribery of a juror) in the trial of Wright vs. Geary-street Railroad Company. 
  • INTERNATIONAL FUGITIVE: When rumor spread on October 4th that he had fled the city rather than go to prison, a bench warrant for Creighton was issued. On October 6th, the Los Angeles Herald reported "It seems to be the prevailing opinion that Creighton left here overland for Los Angeles, and will go from thence to Mexico." Creighton had been seen and recognized among the passengers on the south-bound steamer Queen of the Pacific. By November, it was reported that Creighton had been spotted in Mazatlan. In reality he had escaped by train to Benson (Arizona), Nogales, to Sonora (Mexico), and Guaymas. He then caught a schooner to Mazatlan. He caught a steamer to Panama and landed at Southampton in England in December 1887. He later traveled to Sydney, Australia, and made it back to Honolulu in March 1888. By April 1888, he was in Victoria, B.C. (Canada) and returned to California in mid-July 1889. Creighton was sentenced to five years at San Quentin on July 27th, 1889. While in prison, he served temporarily as a chaplain until July 1890 when he "thrashed a trusty named Frank Foley" and was confined to the dungeon for ten days.
  • PARDON ME: Governor Waterman was asked to pardon Creighton in early January 1891 by Creighton's wife (he refused). In later January 1891, Waterman pardoned Creighton in one of his final acts based on a petition by 47 Assemblymembers and over 20 Senators.
  • HUMOROUS: The warrant provided the following description of Creighton:
    "native of San Francisco, age 27, height about 6 feet 1 inch, full, round and heavy build, deep-chested and heavy-limbed. hair dark brown, nearly black, eyes dark, round full face, regular features. complexion ruddy olive; altogether is quite good looking. Has an overgrown, boyish manner and appearance, slow in movement, lounges against anything that may be near when standing, may have small, dark mustache."
  • LEGAL TROUBLES II: In November 1892, Creighton was arrested for carrying a concealed pistol during a fight at a polling place. He had been "actively engaged in political work" when things escalated into him drawing his pistol (no shots were fired). He was also arrested in October 1894 for "disturbing the peace at a gamblers' resort on Stockton Street." In the early 1900s, Creighton operated a "house of prostitution" at 712 Pacific Street in San Francisco, for which he paid Abe Ruef $250 per week (according to his testimony in the 1906 trial of Ruef and San Francisco Mayor Schmitz.

Source: "THE MISSING CREIGHTON" Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 13915, 6 October 1887
Source: "Creighton said to be coming to Los Angeles" Los Angeles Herald, Volume 29, Number 4, 6 October 1887
Source: Stockton Mail, Volume 16, Number 83, 14 November 1887
Source: "CREIGHTON'S BONDSMEN" Daily Alta California, Volume 81, Number 30, 30 July 1889
Source: "Dick Creighton Arrested for Using His Pistol" San Jose Mercury-news, Volume XLII, Number 132, 9 November 1892
Source: "Dick Creighton Punished" San Francisco Call, Volume 68, Number 42, 12 July 1890
Source: "Boss" Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel, Volume 52, Number 27, 1 December 1906