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November 3, 1914

General Election

John Barry Curtin Democratic 12.5% Loss
John D. Fredericks Republican 29.4% Loss
Hiram Johnson Progressive (Bull Moose) 49.7% Win
Clinton P. Moore Prohibition 3% Loss
Noble A. Richardson Socialist 5.5% Loss
Lieutenant Governor
John M. Eshleman Progressive (Bull Moose) 62.3% Win
Wallace M. Pence Prohibition 5.7% Loss
Norman W. Pendleton Socialist 5.9% Loss
Jo V. Snyder Democratic 26.1% Loss
Secretary of State
Frank C. Jordan Republican 57% Win
Ethel Lynn Socialist 10.4% Loss
Frank J. O'Brien Progressive (Bull Moose) 25.3% Loss
Gabrella T. Stickney Prohibition 7.3% Loss
A. E. Briggs Socialist 12.4% Loss
John S. Chambers Progressive (Bull Moose) 77.2% Win
Horace A. Johnson Prohibition 10.4% Loss
Friend William Richardson Progressive (Bull Moose) 78.3% Win
Albert S. Spaulding Prohibition 9.7% Loss
George W. Woodbey Socialist 11.9% Loss
Attorney General
James H. Blanchard Prohibition 9.9% Loss
Walter R. Dunn Socialist 11.8% Loss
U. S. Webb Progressive (Bull Moose) 78.2% Win
Surveyor General
John H. Kendall Prohibition 9.7% Loss
W. S. Kingsbury Progressive (Bull Moose) 51.4% Win
Frank E. Wright Republican 38.9% Loss
Superintendent of Public Instruction
M. E. Davidson Nonpartisan 38.7% Loss
Edward Hyatt Nonpartisan 61.3% Win
Ed H. Aigeltinger Republican 31.2% Loss
John C. Corbett Democratic 38.7% Win
Mary Harzer Socialist 7.9% Loss
George James Progressive (Bull Moose) 22.2% Loss
John Mitchell Progressive (Bull Moose) 100% Win
Richard E. Collins Republican 69.8% Win
Harry Polsley Democratic 30.2% Loss
Harvey G. Cattell Progressive (Bull Moose) 46.4% Loss
Jeff McElvaine Republican 53.6% Win
Francis J. Heney Progressive (Bull Moose) 28.8% Loss
Joseph R. Knowland Republican 28.7% Loss
James D. Phelan Democratic 31.6% Win
Ernest Untermann Socialist 6.4% Loss
Frederick F. Wheeler Prohibition 4.5% Loss
Edward H. Hart Republican 38.3% Loss
William Kent Independent 48.1% Win
O. F. Meldon Democratic 10.8% Loss
Henry P. Stipp Prohibition 2.8% Loss
W. P. Fassett Prohibition 4.1% Loss
James T. Matlock Republican 31.2% Loss
John E. Raker Democratic 64.7% Win
C. F. Curry Republican 85% Win
David T. Ross Socialist 8.7% Loss
Edwin F. Van Vlear Prohibition 6.3% Loss
Henry Colombat Democratic 22.8% Loss
Allen K. Gifford Socialist 6.6% Loss
Julius Kahn Republican 69.1% Win
J. C. Westenberg Prohibition 1.5% Loss
Mads Peter Christensen Socialist 11.4% Loss
Frederick Head Prohibition 5.3% Loss
John I. Nolan Progressive (Bull Moose) 83.3% Win
Howard H. Caldwell Socialist 13.9% Loss
George H. Derrick Republican 37.7% Loss
John A. Elston Progressive (Bull Moose) 44.4% Win
Harlow E. Wolcott Prohibition 3.9% Loss
Don A. Allen Prohibition 8.3% Loss
Denver S. Church Democratic 49.9% Win
Alexander M. Drew Republican 31.8% Loss
Harry M. McKee Socialist 9.9% Loss
Lewis Dan Bohnett Progressive (Bull Moose) 45.3% Loss
E. A. Hayes Republican 49.1% Win
Joseph Merritt Horton Prohibition 5.6% Loss
Charles W. Bell Progressive (Bull Moose) 30.3% Loss
Henry A. Hart Socialist 11.1% Loss
Charles H. Randall (I) Prohibition 30.9% Win
Frank C. Roberts Republican 27.7% Loss
Ralph L. Criswell Socialist 13% Loss
Henry Clay Needham Prohibition 4.3% Loss
Nathan Newby Democratic 15.5% Loss
Henry Z. Osborne Republican 28.9% Loss
William D. Stephens Progressive (Bull Moose) 38.4% Win
Casper Bauer Socialist 6.7% Loss
James S. Edwards Prohibition 12.7% Loss
William Kettner Democratic 52.7% Win
James Carson Needham Republican 27.9% Loss
E. F. Auble Progressive (Bull Moose) 18.5% Loss
E. C. Bonner Republican 30.7% Loss
J. A. Farmer Socialist 11.6% Loss
William B. Shearer Democratic 39.2% Win
Arthur G. Fultz Socialist 9.3% Loss
Claude F. Purkitt Democratic 61.3% Win
Ernest Weyand Progressive (Bull Moose) 29.3% Loss
W. E. Duncan Jr. Democratic 47.9% Win
Alva P. Macy Prohibition 5.6% Loss
Louis Tarke Republican 46.4% Loss
W. I. Beeson Prohibition 7.3% Loss
Charles F. Fury Republican 42.8% Loss
Herbert W. Slater Democratic 49.9% Win
Richard Augustine Hawley Socialist 5.6% Loss
John Thomas Lewis Progressive (Bull Moose) 22.8% Loss
Reuben C. Pardor Republican 22.6% Loss
J. W. Stuckenbruck Democratic 43.2% Win
Kent Watson Prohibition 5.8% Loss
A. P. Ferguson Progressive (Bull Moose) 48.6% Loss
L. J. Maddux Democratic 51.4% Win
George J. Hans Republican 42.3% Win
M. L. Kern Socialist 13.6% Loss
John M. Nead Prohibition 3.8% Loss
Samuel Poorman Jr. Progressive (Bull Moose) 40.4% Loss
R. H. Adams Democratic 12.9% Loss
Wirt Lucas Prohibition 4.4% Loss
Cochran McCarron Socialist 20.8% Loss
Edward J. Tyrrell Progressive (Bull Moose) 61.9% Win
Dominic Joseph Beban Progressive (Bull Moose) 42.6% Win
William F. Burbank Democratic 15.4% Loss
Hugo Ernst Socialist 4.6% Loss
Gus Hartman Republican 37.5% Loss
Joseph P. Hayes Democratic 27.5% Loss
Peter Hoy Socialist 6.8% Loss
William Stoddard "Wild Bill" Scott Progressive (Bull Moose) 65.8% Win
John Joseph Crowley Progressive (Bull Moose) 46.9% Win
Edward J. D. Nolan Republican 41.6% Loss
H. F. Sahlender Socialist 11.5% Loss
Lawrence J. Flaherty Republican 44.1% Win
Charles J. Powers Democratic 42.6% Loss
W. C. Shepard Socialist 13.4% Loss
W. F. Chandler Progressive (Bull Moose) 51.5% Win
Orville S. Hecoy Prohibition 11.3% Loss
George L. Warlow Democratic 37.1% Loss
Herbert C. Jones Republican 100% Win
Lyman M. King Republican 58.5% Win
Noah Lee Levering Democratic 30.2% Loss
Edward J. Rohrer Socialist 11.3% Loss
Raymond N. Henderson Socialist 20.4% Loss
J. L. C. Irwin Democratic 60.8% Win
Charles Sharp Prohibition 18.8% Loss
Henry Stanley Benedict Republican 80.1% Win
John M. Benjamin Socialist 10.6% Loss
Thomas O. Sanderson Prohibition 9.3% Loss
William J. Carr Progressive (Bull Moose) 34.1% Win
J. Nelson Nevins Democratic 13.4% Loss
Patrick H. Quinn Socialist 10% Loss
Rupert B. Turnbull Republican 24.7% Loss
George S. Yarnall Prohibition 17.9% Loss
John W. Ballard Republican 40.7% Win
William Franklin Cronemiller Progressive (Bull Moose) 37.8% Loss
William Francis Ireland Socialist 21.5% Loss
E. E. Dotson Prohibition 7.1% Loss
Edgar A. Luce Progressive (Bull Moose) 45.5% Win
Albert G. Rogers Socialist 7.4% Loss
Lester D. Welch Republican 40% Loss
James R. M. Grew Republican 42.8% Loss
H. B. Ream Democratic 44% Win
Hiram Thomas Whitley Socialist 13.2% Loss
Gustavus A. Jasper Progressive (Bull Moose) 34.1% Loss
George Keeling Socialist 12.4% Loss
John F. Quinn Democratic 53.5% Win
Leslie T. Alward Progressive (Bull Moose) 33.1% Loss
James A. Hubbard Democratic 18.4% Loss
C. C. McCray Republican 34.1% Win
Raymond A. Tisdale Socialist 14.3% Loss
P. E. Harbaugh Socialist 10.8% Loss
L. N. Pabst Democratic 32.6% Loss
E. P. Sessions Independent 23.1% Loss
A. F. Shartel Republican 33.5% Win
Elmer L. Sisson Democratic 100% Win
J. A. Pettis Republican 48% Win
T. J. Weldon Democratic 46.7% Loss
P. E. Williamson Prohibition 5.3% Loss
George W. Bacon Prohibition 8% Loss
O. W. March Republican 25.1% Loss
B. B. Meek Democratic 39.6% Win
G. O. Miller Progressive (Bull Moose) 27.3% Loss
C. W. Hatcher Socialist 6.1% Loss
Wilmer W. Russell Progressive (Bull Moose) 16.9% Loss
L. N. Tabler Democratic 39.8% Win
A. H. White Republican 37.3% Loss
Frank M. Rutherford Progressive (Bull Moose) 83.3% Win
Frank Albert Taylor Socialist 16.7% Loss
Mary E. Luper Socialist 18.2% Loss
H. J. Widenmann Progressive (Bull Moose) 81.8% Win
Bismarck Bruck Republican 47.6% Win
Charles L. Hesse Socialist 8.3% Loss
James M. Palmer Independent 25% Loss
W. J. Stearns Progressive (Bull Moose) 19.1% Loss
Knox Boude Republican 48.2% Win
G. W. Libby Socialist 45.3% Loss
Emilie M. Skoe Prohibition 6.4% Loss
Donald E. Cruzan Republican 27.2% Loss
Edward W. Morris Progressive (Bull Moose) 23.1% Loss
George W. Salisbury Democratic 49.7% Win
Walter W. Chenoweth Republican 55.1% Win
Stephen Wheeler Downey Jr. Progressive (Bull Moose) 38.7% Loss
Alwin Leopold Heim Socialist 6.3% Loss
William G. Ehrhardt Socialist 6.2% Loss
Lee Gebhart Progressive (Bull Moose) 36.6% Win
Charles E. Hoffman Democratic 25.3% Loss
John Irwin Republican 29.8% Loss
W. C. Simpson Prohibition 2.1% Loss
S. G. Beach Progressive (Bull Moose) 30.2% Loss
W. R. Gale Republican 22.7% Loss
Robert I. Kerr Democratic 40.6% Win
D. W. Thorne Socialist 6.6% Loss
Chapman Leigh Democratic 11.7% Loss
James E. Manning Republican 53.6% Win
Joseph S. Thompson Independent 34.7% Loss
Clare D. Horner Democratic 33.2% Loss
M. Iversen Socialist 17% Loss
William R. Sharkey Progressive (Bull Moose) 49.7% Win
George W. Ashley Republican 38.6% Win
J. M. Bigger Progressive (Bull Moose) 22.8% Loss
A. V. Chapman Prohibition 6.9% Loss
Thomas Canfield Hawley Socialist 7.5% Loss
Frank A. Henning Democratic 24.1% Loss
Lawrence Edwards Democratic 39.6% Win
Orrin S. Henderson Republican 29.8% Loss
Andrew J. Madden Socialist 4% Loss
Robert G. Rogers Prohibition 5.5% Loss
H. C. Stanley Progressive (Bull Moose) 21.1% Loss
Thomas F. Feeley Socialist 21.9% Loss
Walter A. McDonald Prohibition 78.1% Win
Rollar Allen Socialist 11.9% Loss
John J. Ford Jr. Democratic 41.8% Loss
William P. Kennedy Progressive (Bull Moose) 46.2% Win
John Francis McCarthy Democratic 36.9% Loss
James J. Ryan Republican 47% Win
Rose C. Walker Socialist 16.1% Loss
William M. Collins Progressive (Bull Moose) 80.6% Win
Harry W. Hartman Socialist 19.4% Loss
Charles William Godsil Republican Win
J. J. Hayes Republican Win
Nicholas J. Prendergast Progressive (Bull Moose) Win
James J. McDonald Republican Win
James J. Byrnes Democratic Win
Joseph Edmund Marron Progressive (Bull Moose) Win
Milton L. Schmitt Republican Win
Frank N. Rodgers Republican Win
Victor J. Canepa Prohibition Win
George Beck Democratic Win
Paul J. Arnerich Republican Win
W. W. Cribbins Republican 33% Loss
Harry A. Encell Progressive (Bull Moose) 37.8% Win
Francis St. J Fox Democratic 10.5% Loss
Ellen M. Kerr Prohibition 5.2% Loss
C. Alward Tobey Socialist 13.5% Loss
Morris Green Socialist 7.3% Loss
William J. Hayes Democratic 10.1% Loss
Thomas H. Montgomery Prohibition 3.9% Loss
William T. Satterwhite Progressive (Bull Moose) 39.6% Win
Montell Taylor Republican 39% Loss
Augustin C. Daly Prohibition 3.6% Loss
Daniel Ferguson Progressive (Bull Moose) 43.7% Win
Louis Schaffer Republican 38.7% Loss
H. C. Tuck Socialist 14% Loss
Frank W. Anderson Progressive (Bull Moose) 51.8% Win
Harold W. Meads Prohibition 4.3% Loss
D. M. Stewart Democratic 9.2% Loss
H. G. Strowenjans Socialist 34.7% Loss
George Gelder Progressive (Bull Moose) 53.3% Win
Frederick J. Goble Independent 13.1% Loss
Leslie A. Lodge Democratic 6% Loss
William D. Patterson Socialist 22.8% Loss
Allison P. Wiester Prohibition 4.9% Loss
James O. Davis Prohibition 9.5% Loss
Edel Hecht Socialist 8.5% Loss
C. C. Young Progressive (Bull Moose) 81.9% Win
Henry Ward Brown Republican 46.6% Win
Charles M. Morse Progressive (Bull Moose) 27.7% Loss
H. N. Royden Democratic 25.7% Loss
Frank R. Brentlinger Socialist 13.8% Loss
Edward J. Kelly Democratic 35.7% Loss
Harold E. McPherson Republican 50.4% Win
T. M. Wright Progressive (Bull Moose) 100% Win
Daniel R. Hayes Republican 49.4% Win
Egerton D. Lakin Progressive (Bull Moose) 38% Loss
Elijah Miller Democratic 12.6% Loss
Lewis L. Dennett Progressive (Bull Moose) 35.7% Win
Mary M. Elmore Prohibition 21.6% Loss
William H. Lockwood Socialist 8.8% Loss
David W. Tulloch Democratic 33.9% Loss
Maurice B. Browne Democratic 49% Win
George A. Clarke Republican 37.3% Loss
F. H. French Socialist 13.8% Loss
A. E. Boyce Republican 64.9% Win
S. G. Button Socialist 8.6% Loss
Margaret C. Coleman Prohibition 26.6% Loss
Edward Stanton Ellis Democratic 74% Win
Ernest D. Kahl Prohibition 26% Loss
Christian Christensen Socialist 10.9% Loss
Charles Erickson Progressive (Bull Moose) 26.3% Loss
J. R. Gould Democratic 22.8% Loss
Henry M. McKnight Prohibition 9.2% Loss
L. D. Scott Republican 30.8% Win
Joseph J. Ballam Socialist 8.9% Loss
Henry Hawson Democratic 41.7% Win
Hayden F. Jones Republican 20.2% Loss
Louis Reinhelmer Prohibition 5.8% Loss
T. R. Thomson Progressive (Bull Moose) 23.4% Loss
J. F. Butler Prohibition 21.7% Loss
L. B. Cary Progressive (Bull Moose) 38.5% Win
Theodore Linden Socialist 8.5% Loss
Roy C. Traber Democratic 31.3% Loss
Charles Eastman Republican 39.7% Loss
Elmer S. Rigdon Democratic 49.2% Win
William Sinclair Socialist 11.1% Loss
W. A. Long Republican 45.8% Win
James J. McCarthy Socialist 8.9% Loss
Sumner Raney Progressive (Bull Moose) 37.4% Loss
Ulysses S. Wright Prohibition 7.8% Loss
Ward G. Rush Republican 33.2% Loss
Peter Schulp Socialist 19.1% Loss
Fred Carroll Scott Progressive (Bull Moose) 47.6% Win
Witten W. Harris Socialist 100% Win
Mia E. C. Devening Progressive (Bull Moose) 19.6% Loss
L. W. Grant Socialist 12.1% Loss
George H. Johnson Republican 49.6% Win
George Gray Laidlaw Prohibition 18.6% Loss
James W. Bruce Socialist 10.9% Loss
Frank H. Owen Republican 38.9% Loss
John S. Phelps Prohibition 50.2% Win
Henry C. Bagby Democratic 44.4% Loss
Mina Dominguez Socialist 7.3% Loss
Ira E. Kramer Progressive (Bull Moose) 44.7% Win
Franklin B. Southwick Prohibition 3.7% Loss
W. H. Allen Democratic 14.7% Loss
Roger G. Edwards Republican 41.8% Win
Thomas G. Gabbert Progressive (Bull Moose) 37.4% Loss
Frank Wesley Rosamond Socialist 6% Loss
Enoch A. Holtwick Prohibition 10.1% Loss
Estelle Lawton Lindsey Socialist 22.2% Loss
Frank A. McDonald Republican 20.9% Loss
Frank L. Muhleman Democratic 15.9% Loss
Harry A. Wishard Progressive (Bull Moose) 31% Win
Charles Lloyd Socialist 12% Loss
Charles W. Lyon Republican 47.3% Win
Victor R. McLucas Progressive (Bull Moose) 32% Loss
William M. Sanders Prohibition 8.6% Loss
Alfred L. Bartlett Republican 46.3% Win
William E. Carpenter Socialist 8.8% Loss
Elbert E. Peck Progressive (Bull Moose) 36.8% Loss
Wiley J. Phillips Prohibition 8.1% Loss
Milton M. Baker Prohibition 6.8% Loss
Arthur W. Eckman Progressive (Bull Moose) 35.3% Loss
Elek Markowitz Democratic 11.8% Loss
James R. Nichum Socialist 10.4% Loss
Charles Elwood Scott Republican 35.6% Win
Frank D. Haddock Democratic 21.2% Loss
Charles W. Kingsley Socialist 34.3% Loss
Peter C. Phillips Republican 44.5% Win
Thomas L. Ambrose Progressive (Bull Moose) 29.3% Loss
Richmond P. Benton Republican 31.2% Win
Levi M. Davenport Prohibition 6.8% Loss
Walter J. Gray Socialist 21.9% Loss
John J. Nieto Democratic 10.9% Loss
Howard J. Fish Progressive (Bull Moose) 35.5% Win
Henry S. Harvey Democratic 12.2% Loss
John C. Packard Socialist 8.5% Loss
Henry Burnap Pitcher Republican 25.3% Loss
George F. Thompson Prohibition 18.6% Loss
A. O. Bailey Democratic 11% Loss
Albert A. James Socialist 4.7% Loss
William A. Johnstone Progressive (Bull Moose) 27.4% Loss
L. L. Lostutter Republican 40.3% Win
George W. Ogle Prohibition 16.6% Loss
Joseph E. Houlgate Prohibition 12.3% Loss
Miles Stuart Socialist 12.8% Loss
Hiram A. Unruh Republican 30.7% Loss
Henry W. Wright Progressive (Bull Moose) 44.2% Win
Harry E. Clarke Prohibition 17.1% Loss
Joseph A. Rominger Republican 30.6% Win
Peebles Shoaff Socialist 8.6% Loss
Charles L. Soyster Democratic 16.5% Loss
John H. Strine Progressive (Bull Moose) 27.2% Loss
James Gillespie Prohibition 9.9% Loss
Ernest H. Pate Progressive (Bull Moose) 30.8% Loss
Frederic M. Shepard Republican 28.3% Loss
Lewis A. Spengler Socialist 31% Win
Harry A. Chamberlin Republican 45.9% Win
Earl H. Haydock Prohibition 22.4% Loss
Arthur G. Kuck Progressive (Bull Moose) 25.4% Loss
Oscar C. Zahn Socialist 6.3% Loss
George W. Downing Socialist 28.2% Win
Thomas S. Knowles Democratic 12.8% Loss
Charles H. V. Lewis Progressive (Bull Moose) 23.9% Loss
W. H. O'Connell Republican 27.4% Loss
Horace J. Winslow Prohibition 7.7% Loss
Edward G. Gruble Independent 9.8% Loss
Frederick Heussler Socialist 25.5% Loss
Edward T. Hubbard Prohibition 12% Loss
Frank H. Mouser Progressive (Bull Moose) 52.7% Win
Edwin Baker Republican 42.6% Loss
Cyrus W. Coffin Socialist 8.3% Loss
James S. McKnight Progressive (Bull Moose) 44.4% Win
Robert H. Scott Prohibition 4.8% Loss
Joe C. Burke Republican 36.9% Win
Edward A. Chaffee Prohibition 11.9% Loss
S. C. Hartranft Independent 30.6% Loss
Justin H. Stewart Socialist 6.4% Loss
Hans V. Weisel Progressive (Bull Moose) 14.3% Loss
William A. Avey Progressive (Bull Moose) 57.9% Win
Mrs. Stella B. Irvine Prohibition 42.1% Loss
Porter N. Ferguson Progressive (Bull Moose) 31.6% Loss
Philo Jones Republican 21.9% Loss
George L. Page Socialist 8.6% Loss
Robert E. Wills Democratic 37.9% Win
Grant Conard Republican 51.5% Win
William R. Cushman Progressive (Bull Moose) 39.9% Loss
Otto Henckler Socialist 8.6% Loss
W. A. Dovan Republican 49.4% Loss
Fred E. Judson Progressive (Bull Moose) 50.6% Win