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Earl Warren


Picture of Earl Warren
CA Blue Book
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-08-1938 Republican Attorney General 1542847 Win
11-03-1942 Republican Governor 1275287 Win
11-05-1946 Republican Governor 2344542 Win
11-07-1950 Republican Governor 2461754 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: March 19, 1891 in Los Angeles, CA
Married: Nina Elisabeth Palmquist on October 14, 1925
Children: James C., Virginia, Earl Jr., Dorothy, Nina Elizabeth, and Robert
Died: July 9, 1974 in Washington, DC

1919: Clerk, Assembly Judiciary Committee
1919-1920: Deputy City Attorney, City of Oakland
1920-1925: Deputy District Attorney, Alameda County
1925-1938: District Attorney, Alameda County
1934-1936 Chairman, Republican Party of California
1936-1938: Member, Republican National Committee from California
1940: President, National Association of Attorneys General
1944: Candidate for U.S. Presidential Elector (Lost)
1948: Republican Nominee, Vice President of the United States
1952: Primary Candidate for President (Won)*
1953: Resigned as Governor on October 5.
1953-1969: Chief Justice, United States Supreme Court
1963-1964: Chairman, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (better known as the "Warren Commission")

  • 1952 NOTE: Although Warren won the California primary, he didn't win enough states to gain the Republican nomination.
  • HISTORIC: During Warren's term as Governor, California's population moved from 5th to 2nd largest.
  • HISTORIC: During his term on the US Supreme Court, Warren was credited with helping to shape the decisions on many landmark cases including Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Reynolds v. Sims (1964), Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), and Miranda v. Arizona (1966).
  • QUOTABLE: "The government is a business and the integrity of those who carry it on is important. But for some reason keeping the business of local government up to the standards of private business is considered reform."
  • "A man should never be in a hurry for a political job; when he starts pushing, he thinks and does things he would never do under normal circumstances." [Source: Independent Nation by John Avlon (2004)]
  • "How can I drink bootleg bootleg liquor on Sunday night and then on Monday morning send my deputies to prosecute bootleggers?" [Source: Independent Nation by John Avlon (2004)]
  • PLACENAME: State Route 13 in Oakland is nicknamed "Warren Freeway" in honor of Governor Warren, as are the Warren High School (in Downey, CA) and Earl Warren High School (in San Antonio, TX), the Earl Warren Junior High (in Bakersfield), Earl Warren College (UC San Diego), and the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara (named in 1958).
  • PLACENAME: The UC Berkeley Law School was the home of the Earl Warren Legal Institute from 1967 to 2005, when it was renamed the Institute for Legal Research. In that same year, 2005, Berkeley Law School opened the new "Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity". Berkeley is also home to Earl Warren Hall. Also, Warren College at UC San Diego is named for the Governor.
  • PLACENAME: The Earl Warren Grove (of redwoods) is located at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (named 1954).
  • Honor: In 1992, the United States Postal Service issued a 29¢ postage stamp depicting Warren.
  • HONOR: In 2023, the US Navy commissioned the USNS Earl Warren (T-AO 207), a John Lewis-class Underway Replenishment Oiler.
  • Be Fruitful and Multiply: Warren had six children.
  • Warren was a 2007 Inductee to the California Hall of Fame.
  • AWARD: Presidential Medal of Freedom (1981)

Source: California Blue Book (1946), (1950)
Source: The Centennial of The University of California, 1868-1968