Founded: 1972 in Australia
Highest Office Won: State Assembly (1999)
Current Party Ranking: 5th largest of Six Qualified Parties in California
Current Voter Registration: 0.49% of California's voters (94,720 registered voters as of 2/10/2017)
Party History
The Green party dates back to March, 1972, when the first local Green Party was organized in Australia. The party had a significant impact in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s, which prompted the formation of the first US Green organizations in the 1980s. At the national level, the "Green Party USA" national organization was first formally organized in 1991. In California, the Green Party gained ballot-qualified status in 1992, and has become one of the "anchor states" for the party nationwide. California is highly important to the national Green Party, and has "elected 67 of the 204 office-holding Greens nationwide".
- In 1999, Audie Bock won an Assembly seat in a Special Election, becoming the first Green to be elected to a state legislature in the United States.