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Henry H. Haight


Picture of Henry H. Haight
Date Party Office Votes Result
09-04-1867 Democratic Governor 49905 Win
09-06-1871 Democratic Governor 57520 Loss
06-19-1878 Delegate 0 Win

Candidate Biography:

Henry Huntley Haight
Born: May 20, 1825 in Rochester, New York
Married: Anna E. Bissell (in 1855)
Children: Janet Cameron, Infant, Henry H., Louis Montrose
Died: September 2, 1878 in San Francisco, CA

1853: Candidate for State Legislature (Lost)
1859-1860: Chairman, California Republican State Committee
1872: Honorary Regent, University of California
1879: Delegate, Second Constitutional Convention (Sacramento)

  • Haight was elected as a non-partisan Delegate to the Second Constitutional Convention. He died before the Convention began on September 28th. 
  • PLACENAME: The town of Haight is in San Joaquin County.
  • PLACENAME: The Haight-Ashbury neighborhood (now commonly known as "The Haight") in San Francisco got its name from the intersection of Haight Street (named for the Governor) and Ashbury Street.
  • PLACENAME: The Henry Haight Elementary School (Home of the Eagles) is located in Alameda. In April 2019, the "students, teachers, parents and n eighbors" voted to rename the school "Love Elementary" because of Governor Haight's ideas on immigration.
  • QUOTABLE: "Political parties will exist in every country that is free; yet party spirit, when carried to excess, is the bane of republican governments and constantly endangers their stability." (1867)
  • QUOTABLE: "It is stated by all intelligent writers that there is more danger of overthrow of free governments by legislative usurpations than by any other cause. The reason is obvious. The very number of the legislative body destroys all sense of individual guilt or responsibility. The temporary majority claim to represent the will of the people, and under the leadership of extreme men, are prone to oppressive measures against the minority." (1867)
  • QUOTABLE: "The security of private dwellings against unreasonable search, the right to be protected against prosecutions for capital or infamous crimes, except upon presentment of a grand jury, the freedom of the press, and the subordination of the military to the civil authority, are also guaranteed by the fundamental law. These rights are as precious as life itself." (1867)

Source: History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892 by Winfield J. Davis (1893)