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Gil Ferguson


Picture of Gil Ferguson
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-06-1984 Republican AD-70 111507 Win
11-04-1986 Republican AD-70 89731 Win
11-08-1988 Republican AD-70 124329 Win
11-06-1990 Republican AD-70 92531 Win
11-03-1992 Republican AD-70 93865 Win

Candidate Biography:

Gilbert W. Ferguson
Born: April 22, 1923 in St. Louis, Missouri
Married: Anita Jean
Children: Mark, Darrel, Jay and Rhonda Priestley
Military Service: USMC (WWII, Korea, Vietnam)
University: University of Southern California
Died: May 6, 2007 in Newport Beach, CA

1986: Made a motion to remove Tom Hayden as a member of the State Assembly (Motion failed; 36-41)
1990: Special Primary Candidate for SD-31 (Lost; 21.54%)

  • SMALLEST FRESHMAN CLASS: In 1985, Ferguson was one of the four members in the smallest freshman class of legislators in state history. The others were Senator Becky Morgan and Assemblymembers Jerry Eaves, and Wayne Grisham.
  • Senator Tom McClintock asked that the Senate adjourn in the memory of Gil Ferguson on May 7, 2007. In a statement, McClintock commented about Ferguson; "I have known many upstanding and exemplary leaders in the legislature during my 21 years here. The very finest of them passed away yesterday."
  • WWII: "He came ashore in the first wave at Tarawa, one of the bloodiest battles in World War II, Pacific theater or otherwise. In Korea, Ferguson was in the first wave at Inchon. He commanded artillery in Vietnam." Source: California's Capitol blog by Greg Lucas
  • Jay Ferguson was a Republican primary candidate for AD-70 in 2010 (Lost; 13.0%).
  • Legislative Altercation: During the Assembly floor session on June 23, 1986, Ferguson made a motion to expell Assemblyman Tom Hayden in retalliation for his support for the North Vietnamese during the war. The motion failed, with a  vote of 41-36. Speaking about Hayden, Ferguson said "We can even forgive the cowards. But never, ever, will we forget the traitors, not even when they are gone and dead in their graves. Our country will never forgive traitors."
  • Author: While serving in the Assembly, Ferguson wrote a booklet titled "Tarawa", based on his experiences in that landing.

Source: California Legislature Handbook (1985), (1994)