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Dave Cox


Picture of Dave Cox
CA State Senate
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-08-1994 Republican SD-06 107853 Loss
11-03-1998 Republican AD-05 74497 Win
11-07-2000 Republican AD-05 111377 Win
11-05-2002 Republican AD-05 79527 Win
11-02-2004 Republican SD-01 260612 Win
11-04-2008 Republican SD-01 267426 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born February 20, 1938 in Holdenville, Oklahoma
Married: Maggie
Children: Cathleen, Margo (Gunderson), and Sarah Aquino
Died (in office): July 13, 2010 in Fair Oaks, CA

1992-1998: Member, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors
2001-2004: Minority Leader, California State Assembly
2004: Delegate, Republican National Convention
2008: Alternate Delegate, Republican National Convention

  • MISSED VOTES: A 2004 study conducted by students at the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development found that Cox had not missed a single vote all year, while Jerome Horton had missed the most (60%). Source: LA Times
  • PLACENAME: The coffee lounge located behind the Senate Chambers at the State Capitol was formally named Cox's Club House because of how frequently Senator Cox “held court” in that room by SR 46 (2010).
  • PLACENAME: The interchange at Hazel Avenue and State Highway Route 50 in Sacramento County has been designated as the Senator Dave Cox Memorial Interchange (SCR 97 of 2012). 
  • From an obituary in the Sacramento Bee; "Politicians are measured by the strength of their word. California Sen. Dave Cox's word was as solid as they come... Cox served his state well. He set a standard for honesty and ethics that others, including his replacement, should strive to emulate." 
  • There is no known relation between Senator Dave Cox and Senator Frederick Cox (also of Sacramento County) who served in the 1880s. 
  • Dave Cox was the oldest member of the Legislature in 2010 at age 72.
  • Sarah Aquino has served on the Folsom City Council 2018-present and as Mayor in 2020.

Source: California Blue Book (2000)