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Arlen F. Gregorio


Picture of Arlen F. Gregorio
CA Blue Book
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-03-1970 Democratic SD-12 98964 Win
11-05-1974 Democratic SD-10 106410 Win
11-07-1978 Democratic SD-10 88158 Loss
11-06-1984 Democratic SD-11 133605 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Arlen Foster Gregorio
Born: September 11, 1931 in San Francisco, CA
Married: Donna Prentice (m. ~1960, sep. 1976)
Children: John, Stephen, and Arlen
Military Service: USN (1953-1954)

1950s-1960s: Assistant City Attorney, City of San Bruno
1967: Campaign staffer, Roy A. Archibald for Congress campaign
1979-1984: Member, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
1980s: Superior Court Judge pro tem, San Mateo County

  • After being convicted of bribery charges that came from the Shrimpscam investigation, State Senator Alan Robbins commented on the honesty demonstrated by Gregorio; "Probably the best example I know of a legislator who refused special- interest money is the former state Sen. Arlen Gregorio, who represented San Mateo and Santa Clara counties from 1970 to 1978. Gregorio refused to accept any contributions over $100. As a result, he was ostracized by his colleagues, who sat on their hands when it came to raising money for him until it was too late and he was defeated for re-election."
  • QUOTABLE: "I grew up here in Burlingame. I watched them fill the Bay. I got angry. I watched them tear up the hillsides where I'd played as a child and swum in the lakes and camped in the forests where they chopped down the trees filled in the lakes and subdivided the Mills Estates and other areas. There's not a sign left of any of the kinds of amenities that were important to me as a boy. That had a real effect on me in the fifties and sixties." (Oral History Interview)

Source: California Blue Book (1971), (1975)
Source: Arlen Gregorio, Oral History Interview, Conducted 1989 by Ann Lage Regional Oral History Office, University of California at Berkeley for the California State Archives State Government Oral History Program