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Greg Wallis


Picture of Greg Wallis
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-08-2022 Republican AD-47 84752 Win
11-05-2024 Republican AD-47 119072 Win

Candidate Biography:

Born: May 15, 1990 in California
Married: Desiree

2012-2013: Executive Director, Inland Empire Taxpayers Association
2014: Campaign Manager, Brian Nestande for Congress campaign
2014-2022: District Director, Assemblyman Chad Mayes

  • CLOSE CONTEST: In the 2022 General Election, the AD-47 contest between Wallis and Christy Holstege was the second closest in the modern history of the California State Assembly (in terms of percentage of votes separating the candidates). At the end of Election Night, Holstege led with more than 60% of the vote. The following day, it dropped to 55% and then to around 51% for the five days. After that, Holstege and Wallis exchanged the lead five more times before the legislature convened on December 5th. As of December 2nd, Wallis held a 34-vote lead, constituting 0.020% of the votes cast in that contest. At the start of the 2023-2024 legislative session, the State Assembly took the unprecedented step of not seating either candidate. After the election results were certified by the counties on December 8th (showing him with a final margin of 85 votes), Wallis declared victory. Wallis was sworn into office on December 12th.
  • NOTABLE NO VOTE (Legislative Staff Collective Bargaining): Wallis was one of 5 State Assemblymembers (and 8 legislators overall) who voted against AB 1 (2023) by Tina McKinnor, which allowed California legislative staff for form unions for collective bargaining.