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Rob Bonta


Picture of Rob Bonta
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-06-2012 Democratic AD-18 75865 Win
11-04-2014 Democratic AD-18 88243 Win
11-08-2016 Democratic AD-18 156163 Win
11-06-2018 Democratic AD-18 150862 Win
11-03-2020 Democratic AD-18 190168 Win
04-22-2021 Democratic Attorney General 0 Win
11-08-2022 Democratic Attorney General 6339436 Win

Candidate Biography:

Robert Andres Bonta
Born: September 22, 1972 in Quezon City, Philippines
Married: Mialisa (m. 1997)
Children: Reina, Iliana, and Andres

Previous: Member, Alameda City Economic Development Commission
Previous: Member, Alameda City Social Service Human Relations Board
2010: Deputy City Attorney, City of San Francisco
2010: Member, Alameda Health Care District Board
2010-2012: Member, Alameda City Council
2016: Delegate, Democratic National Convention
2021: Resigned from the State Assembly on April 23.

  • LEGISLATION: Author of AB 266 (2015), the "Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act", which established the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation within the Department of Consumer Affairs and requiring the licensure and regulation of medical marijuana. 
  • PERSONAL INFORMATION: On June 27, 2022, Bonta announced the release of the "2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal" by the California Department of Justice. The website, created because "transparency is key to increasing public trust between law enforcement and the communities we serve" erroneously made public (for twelve hours) unredacted information including the name, gender, race, drivers license number, and home address of every Californians who had received permits to concealed carry firearms since 2010 (a total of about 192,000 people). "This was more than an exposure of data," said Bonta, "it was a breach of trust that falls far short of my expectations and the expectations Californians have of our department."

Source: Biography at campaign website [] (accessed 6/8/2012)
Source: (accessed 6/8/2012)
Source: (accessed 6/8/2012)