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Donald P. Wagner


Picture of Donald P. Wagner
Date Party Office Votes Result
11-02-2010 Republican AD-70 89636 Win
11-06-2012 Republican AD-68 104706 Win
11-04-2014 Republican AD-68 66445 Win
03-17-2015 Republican SD-37 33411 Loss

Candidate Biography:

Born: December 3, 1960 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Married: Megan
Children: Kate, Paul, and Stephanie

1994-2010: Founder & President, Orange County Chapter of the Federalist Society
1998-2010: Member, South Orange County Community College District
1998: Candidate for Orange County Board of Education (Lost; 43.9%)
2004: Primary Candidate for AD-70 (Lost; 15%)
2016: Primary Candidate for SD-37 (Withdrew)
2016-2019: Mayor, City of Irvine
2019-Present: Member, Orange County Board of Supervisors

  • Legislative Altercation: During an Assembly floor debate (about a bill to effectively eliminate redevelopment agencies) on the afternoon of June 15, 2011, Wagner was involved in an altercation with Assemblyman Warren Furutani. Wagner compared the Democratic tactics to something he saw "on an episode of 'The Sopranos.'" Assemblyman Anthony Portantino objected to the reference as a "proud Italian-American" and asked for an apology. Wagner responded with a sarcastic apology to "any Italian Americans who are not in the Mafia and engaged in insurance scams." Furutani then "went over to Wagner's desk and got in his face, shouting, "Now you've stepped into it."  The two jawed angrily at each for a couple of seconds and then Furutani appeared to shove Wagner before they were broken up by other lawmakers." [Source: OC Register]

Source: "O.C. lawmaker involved in Assembly scuffle" by Brian Joseph, Orange County Register (6/16/2011)
Source: "Fight breaks out in Assembly during budget debate" by Kevin Yamamura, Sacramento Bee (6/16/2011)
Source: California Assembly Handbook (2015)